What to Focus On Now

New and rapidly evolving risks, such as the COVID-19 virus we are now experiencing at the local, regional and global level - are relatively unknown and unpredictable.

They are difficult to define, and difficult to measure.

Dealing with the Unknown Unknown

Organizations, governments, research facilities and health care institutions are being stretched in ways unimagined as little as two months ago.


Velocity of Response will drive your Organizations’ Resilience.

Reacting with the right best practices can make the difference between riding the curve - or being ridden by it.

Where are the hot spots?
  • Context allows you to see new COVID-19 risks in terms of geographies, customers, suppliers, business lines, high value processes, policies, assets and technologies
  • Feeds from the appropriate agencies, regulatory bodies, WHO and other information providers is key for context
  • Visibility into incidents is crucial when prioritizing your efforts for response and remediation
    • Proactive reporting and monitoring Incidents by employees and your extended enterprise, and contextual Heat Maps
  • Clearly communicated plans of how to respond to reported incidents
What’s the (current and potential) impact?
  • Measure the scope of impact to predict workforce changes, delays or alternative supply chains
    • Conduct Rapid assessments of impact to employees, systems, 3rd and 4th parties
Who needs to know?
  • Get the right information, simply stated, to key stakeholders - but stay agile.
  • Create a ‘information tree’ and workflow hierarchy - who needs to know what information, at what cadence. Daily? Hourly? Self-serve reporting?
    • Assemble a virtual, cross organizational team to lead the delivery of key information that may be required by employees, customers, the Board and Senior Management, Stakeholders, 1st responders, partners and others
    • Plan for Automation of reporting and tracking progress
When will this shift?
  • Understand when you could/should expect a change – is an office, critical supplier or region rising to a peak or recovering with increasing containment?
    • Project the trajectory. Look at timing of shifting much needed resources
  • Playbooks – get the essence of the right actions in the hands of those who can take action – continuously improve rather than re-invent the wheel
  • Revise policies, procedures and controls around COVID-19 impacted realities
    • Work from Home
    • Customer meetings, or alternate locations
    • Travel policies, procedures for high risk areas….
  • Quick and concise adaptations based on changing conditions can make the difference between success and failure
    • Distribute revised policies and recommendations and map to useful content and recommendations from WHO, CDC and other authoritative sources
  • Renewed/stronger controls
    • Ensure Compliance with regulations, which may vary by country
      • Tighten existing or deploy stronger controls in Cyber, Workplace health, technology access control
  • Provide quick and easy to use collaboration tools to the citizens
  • Ensure your IT/Security teams are vigilant and block bad actors that take advantage of new vulnerabilities that may arise
  • Deploy cloud technology for COVID19 related apps for easy, 24x6, secure access from the front line, suppliers and other stakeholders
Know Your Options
  • When an office/region needs to shut down, when the supply chain breaks….
    • Revise Business Impact Assessments on potentially impacted locations, facilities, customers and products
We are here to Help
  • We’ve been helping our customers PLAN, ACT and ADAPT to this crisis, and other high impact, low probability events for decades
  • Reach out and speak to a MetricStream expert here



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