
Test Automation at MetricStream - Efficient, Scalable, and Fast

Blog MSI
4 min read


“Winners don’t do different things. Winners do things differently” is a popular quote that perfectly demonstrates MetricStream’s test automation strategy.

Today, test automation is increasingly being preferred over manual testing since it increases efficiency in the software development process while enabling more robust products to be built. Additional benefits include higher test coverage, faster feedback cycle, improved accuracy, elimination of human error, with business advantages of reduced expenses and faster time to market.

However, the general trend being applied for test automation in the industry comes with its own set of challenges. This is where MetricStream has followed a different approach—one that is more efficient, scalable, and fast.

This blog examines the problems associated with the traditional approach followed by the industry and dives deep into MetricStream’s unique approach and the advantages it brings.

Why the Traditional Approach to Test Automation Does Not Work?

The general approach in IT industry is to have test automation led by the QA team. In the QA team one/multiple QA engineers write and maintain the automation script. However, this approach comes with several challenges including:

  • The automation effort gets compromised and takes a lower priority. QA teams are required to focus on automation along with the testing. If there are delays in the deliverables or more bugs identified during testing, it takes multiple iterations for the QA team to test and certify the feature.
  • A lot of effort is required for the maintenance of the script when there are changes in the features. This is because QA teams usually write automation scripts for each UI screen (form/report) and also tend to write multiple scripts for each use case within the same screen.
  • The automation needs to be updated and maintained along with the features. This leads to QA teams to investing more effort in scripting/coding instead of their core competency. i.e. coming up with various scenarios in the testing of a feature.
  • Standardization of the common libraries and programming techniques become difficult. The challenge is amplified when many teams are writing code for their specific Platform / Product feature.
  • Short deadlines for configuration and UAT cannot be met. The teams implementing the product have very short deadlines for configuration and UAT. QA teams will not be able to plan for a separate automation cycle due to the short timelines.

Automation at MetricStream- A Unique and Efficient Approach with AutoMetric

The automation approach followed at MetricStream efficiently addresses all of the above problems. By developing an inhouse tool/product AutoMetric, MetricStream ensures the test automation needs of the entire organization are catered to. At MetricStream, a separate team of highly skilled developers build the tool and support QA teams to run/adopt the automation. This allows QA teams to focus more on test scenarios than worrying about writing automation tests.

Here’s a quick glimpse into automation at MetricStream:

  • MetricStream Products are built on top of the MetricStream Platform using AppStudio, a Rapid Application Development (RAD) IDE.
  • AppStudio allows the creation of various objects like Forms, Reports, Charts etc., in a standard fashion.
  • Details about object fields, their rendering order, and type of the fields are stored in the platform as metadata during the design of various objects.
  • The automation tool, AutoMetric, generates a “testdata” sheet for each object (Form/Report etc,) based on the metadata stored. This is a blank data sheet with only metadata information about the objects. The tool uses Page Object Model (POM) design pattern.
  • QA team populates the “testdata” sheet by providing the test data associated with an object.
  • QA team also populates the “testdata” sheet with predefined keywords for operations to be performed (click, set, verify).
  • AutoMetric picks the “testdata” sheet as input, validates the associated data, generates the automation steps, runs the automation tests, and publishes the report.

Why the MetricStream Test Automation Approach is Better?

MetricStream’s test automation approach is better than the traditional approach for multiple reasons. Listed below are a few benefits:

  • Reduced time in running System Integration tests: Using the tool has helped achieve a 500% improvement in execution time of System Integration tests, as compared to the traditional approach.
  • Increased ROI: The AutoMetric tool is built with a holistic approach that caters to the automation needs of both the Product Development and Implementation teams. This essentially translates into automation being achieved with lesser effort as compared to the traditional approach, providing a far better ROI.
  • More reliable automation runs: Since the tool is developed using a Page Object model, the code is modularized and more maintainable. Hence the automation runs are more reliable.
  • Ability for QA teams to focus on core competencies: QA teams can focus more on exploring test scenarios instead of worrying about writing automation scripts and maintenance of those scripts.

MetricStream AutoMetric: Powering What’s Next in GRC

Test automation enables not just the saving of time and money but more importantly the delivering of higher quality products. At MetricStream, our unique and efficient approach to test automation ensures robust BusinessGRC, CyberGRC, and ESGRC products that empower your organization to effectively address and stay ahead of evolving business and market needs.

Request a demo now.

Milan Hasmukhbhai Trivedi

Milan Hasmukhbhai Trivedi Development Manager

Milan has been working as a Development Manager in the MetricStream Automation team since April 2019. The team works on developing solutions that cater to the automation needs of the QA org in MetricStream. Milan has been working on Java/J2EE/SQL-based technologies and various frameworks/libraries for the past 17+ years. He is actively involved with all the life cycles of product requirement gathering, design, development, support, and automation. He is passionate about solving customer problems by providing solutions that are simple for customers to adopt and use. He also loves to solve the technical challenges in ‘solutions’ by re-architecting/re-factoring/re-structuring problematic areas in code. Milan holds a B.E.I.T from Saurastra University, Gujarat. He utilizes his spare time reading, volunteering, and planting saplings.